How does vuca and bani affect the entering workforce


FIrst things first... some musical tunes to go with these... sour words from me, a millenial/genZ

Now that we got the music, let's dive into the main topic: how millennials survive.

So lately it's been a recurrent topic on the morning news and debate halls on TV (not gonna lie, I reckon those are not always the most valid and best-informed media), the entering workforce. Obviously focused on our “success” above all the other generations”, I’ve heard everything, from honest praise and applause to how hard we have had it, and how we are still fighting our way up (like what else can we do huh? Go live in a hippy commune all dirty and slummy? Gosh someone come get these blind wild capitalist slugs please), to how good at technology we are and how fast we are making the world evolve.

On the other hand, I’ve also heard we are the utmost prepared generation, yet we don’t want to work, because we have been raised as “snowflakes”, daring to care about our pronouns, our Ambiental impact and how much time do we spend commuting on top of many other issues we are now starting to deal as a generation. It’s a fact that yes, the “Woke generation” is wreaking havoc in some spheres of the current society, but c’mon… aren’t we all mature and old enough to focus our attention… toward the important things? That woke person doing Karen-like things is not more important than you paying minimum wage to a bachelor degree and master student with straight A’s. And you know it. So, stop blaming everyone else (literally, there’s businessmen blaming the elderly now, shame on their cow) and look inside your structural flaws, thank yew <3.

And obviously we are at fault for the withdrawal ratios of the last 5 years skyrocketing, and also, we “insist on” having “every right possible” and keep on demanding even more! I didn’t know that requesting sick days, paid vacations, better work conditions, transparency policies and so forth, which to many of us are the absolute bare minimum, has turned into requesting… lunar vacations, all expenses covered? Maybe we are done. We are sooo fed up with hearing everyone while growing up “study and you will get a good job”, “if you get higher than your parents you will be x or y thing that will earn you “whatever kind of socioeconomical benefit a kid cannot process but engraves their mind with”. We are the generations that were promised a land that is no longer available. It’s a poisoned apple. Almost a pyramidal scheme. Spend thousands on educating yourself only to earn… almost a thank you. Not even such in some cases. Sad.

We have seen war after war on the news since we were little (Mexico Gulf, Balkans, the wrongly called “Middle East Wars” (aka: we need more oil let’s see how we get it), China’s genocide on Uyghurs, etc), we have seen “historical” events decade after decade (Wall Street fall, diseases and addictions taking the world and sadly coming back recently, climate milestones… none for good…), we’ve seen how politics has turned into a damn circus with no regard on even public appearance, and a list of unfortunate events.

We were the generation meant to study and go out to eat the world… and we have ended up eating antidepressants and anxiolytics.

With this recent history foregoing… I feel not only fair, or needed, but legitimate to demand these rights.

Fortunately, not everything is bad news, because rage or anger is bad… unless under control. And that’s what recent generations are showing. A will for change, a strength we, on our own, are generating to swiftly move towards the future we want. Because we will get it, we are actually getting it, notwithstanding whoever is against our “snowflakey” work force.

Here’s a series of posts on how the VUCA-BANI environment can and surely are affecting us, young people, daily. The series has a planning of 4 items:

1.     What is VUCA and BANI

2.     How do we and VUCA interact?

3.     How do we and BANI interact?

4.     How can we thrive despite these conditions? What are the opportunities?


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