La paradoja temporal del siglo 24

So welcome back to this dirty Inn, you VUCA dwellers! Have a seat, grab some munchies and refreshments because today's topic is : MILLENNIAL RANT.

First things first, here's something for your ears that goes along pretty well lyric-wise:

Been thinking.....
I know, weird, strange, not even a habit in me lmao. But, indeed, last couple weeks i been thinking. On the new generations. On us, young people that have the enormous,almost herculean deed of being successful in this motherflipin' VUCA world of ours y'know...

***For my Spaniards in here, deed is a "mission" approximation with the subtlest of variations: will, consciousness on what the deed pursues, INTENTION. So yeah, can be a synonym but careful to get lost on translation  *** 

And all this comes because last night I was watching a show and, at a certain point one of the character was dwindled with this idiom "A jack of all trades, is a master to none". And damn did that hit close to home! Basically it is a (very Mediterranean if you allow my interpretation) saying that implies that if you have abilities on a wide range of fields of knowledge, you are unable to master any of those precisely. 

WELL I COULD NOT DISAGREE MORE- allow me to retort

In the series, the character was a young boy handling an online business related to Stock exchange markets, and an app he had developed to make it easier for the "small, common man" to access and have a share of the cake. SO one of his teachers finds out and feels empowered enough to let that genius boy know that mastering coding, stock market, 5 languages and all of his school subjects at 17 yo is "a mere ridiculous and bound-to-fail venture for a simple kid".

At what point in time does a high school teacher (that has only moved his ass towards getting a degree in, let's say, the mathematical field, and towards landing a "safe job" at a high school, buying a house, marrying etc (you know XIX century mindset)), find relevant to undermine a boy's (this is important people, it's a mere 17 YO) business stamina by telling him that he'll never specialise if he doe not follow the established "times and ways of a properly brought up man".
But that boy has already, not only learnt coding in 3 languages, but also created an app, made it run successfully, put it up on the stock market and started to get benefits from it. IN ADITION TO DEALING WITH A BROKEN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND PASSING ALL THE SUBJECTS.

You going to have the guts (and ofc the white "40sth and did nothing with my life but work my ass for something that would replace me for a cluster of grapes" male empowerment) to tell a kid that would hire you and make you make more money that you do right now that he's doing it wrong, a**hole???

Seems so.
In the series the kid tells him very politely to fu*k off and let him be as long as he didn't fail in high school and that was it. To me it was an awfully relatable moment, because y'all, we millennials are so used to this kind of speech. We are living one of the most far-reaching downfalls of economy of ALL TIMES, yet we have to act as if nothing were happening, and yet we are expected to follow a timeline that sets us to be a "Jack of all trades". We know 2+ languages, we study our asses off, we look for jobs under every rock and leave, yet we have to be good people and cheerful, we have to be fluent in our own virtual world and yet in the "real" world (I rather call it physical, because both are real...), we have to live up to so much expectation on prior generations... while all they do is "Old Pepperidge farm rmembers" style complaints about us adapting to the world they created...

But this has only led IMO (in my opinion) to us being better in so many fields we are outgrowing them! Because, you see, us being multi-functional in a variety of fields makes me a better learner, early tech adopter, multiplatform worker, flexible yet appreciative of the quality jobs I find... all the bullshit THEY have given to us has turned us into "knowmads".
The people of the future.
The same people who will find a way out of this crisis (yet again) and flourish by knowing which element is ours to develop, which is the ideal job for us, the price we deserve for the responsibilities we will bear and so on. 

Because, all in all... you see, the irony here is ✨pristine✨, delicious indeed, the original idiom about poor Jack goes like this:

And yeah, if you feel attacked... I'm sorry but Ok Boomer :)

P.s. Here are some opinions I share with a fellow foreign millennial  speaking of what we are called and portrayed as versus the reality of what we ask because we deserve (not entitled but the real deal).


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