El primer día de qué??? 🗺🕉

 Hola querides míes,

No sé quiénes sois, ni de dónde me leéis, en caso de tener la suerte de que alguien llegue a hacerlo. Primero de todo, gracias por llegar aquí, me presento, soy Cristina (she/her), ex- estudiante de biología, bióloga de corazon del pelo de la cabeza a las uñas de los pies, incluso al barro de mis botas y al tinte que mancha y manchará mi bata de laboratorio. 

Es la primera vez que hago blogging, como tal. Porque sí he hecho vlogs (videologs, o breves entradas de vídeo comentando algún tema/situación) pero nunca he llevado un diario de ninguna clase. Y pues aquí estamos, empezando una nueva vida, en casa de mis padres, en un instituto nuevo, con compañeros nuevos notablemente heterogéneos,

So here we are, tryna figure out what to do with my life, which may seem like a humongous task for someone with such small auto-perception and mental health issues, but I'm not hesitant about my abilities to reach my knowledge and mind onto this new field.

I will try to be clear and not too gloomy as I have lately been, and will also (but not promise anything, as surgeons never do to their patients relatives) try to seek insight on the actual course, so that not only chemistry is to be learnt, but also morals of the story, as one would say.

Thus, I entrust this, my very inner and personal thoughts on this education journey

New beginnings, where to start huh? Well, as my Nana would say: from the beginning, carefully yet with steady steps.

This first fortnite I have came to contact with this new learning sphere, new teachers, new pupils and classmates. So it's been a real pleasure for this restless mind of mine. 

The first thing I noticed was the heterogeneity in our social backgrounds, which is fantastic- some are bach students that didn't feel like going to university, some are adults who've had a career already and decided to pursue their original career ideals, proving society that our personal times are that: personal and no matter what, we (often) can achieve them.

Professorate wise they all seem adapted to 21st century: they manage themselves basically in a technological environment and they all seem to love or at the very least enjoy their job here (Can we all please agree in disliking these mfs that come to class and start to recite word by word what a 19th-century-styled book without properly explaining anything or even trying to connect to to us the learner par in the study centres??? Thanks :3). There is a variety of age ranges but more mentally than phisically. Rebeca, Rafa, María and Belén seem to be the most active and appealing, eve with their subjects being heavy in theory. ANd yes, I know Rafa MIGHT be reading this but it's the truth, not trying to kiss his ass here. They show that they absolutely LOVE teaching and evolving themselves into new teachers with different styles which is a delight to experience, as it is turning out to be a less common practice in these convulse recent years.

If you allow me, have this breve canción para escuchar según termináis de leer este blog.

Este himno indio además de ser todo un "temazo" para mí, representa este pequeño gran paso en mi vida. De recetralizar mi mente y poner mis fuerzas hacia mi futuro, invirtiendo y aprendiendo a invertirme e involucrarme en lo que mejor me conviene en cada momento. No es tarea sencilla para alguien como yo, con un alto grado de autoconocimiento, no quiero imaginarlo para alguien común.

To finish this first contact, frens, chins down, cover your gut, grab the closest axe and let's head to battle, because we deserve the future, but we have to prove worthy to enjoy it.


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